Call for Nominations for all NMRA British Region Board of Directors posts
Nominations are now being sought for the 2021-2022 term for all five British Region BoD posts of President,
Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Director. This is the usual annual call for nominations, mandated by our Constitution, irrespective of whether the incumbents intend to continue in their posts or not.
Our current President, Charles Hendy will be stepping down at the end of the current term and our Vice-President
Jonathan Small expects to take over then, thus a new Vice-President will be needed. Also the post of Secretary is vacant.
Nominations should indicate the name of the nominee and the position nominated for, and should be signed by the nominee, the proposer and seconder. All three persons should be current members of the NMRA resident in the British Region. Nominations should be received by the Ballot Chairman Rai Fenton at 43 Essex Road, Chingford, London E4 6DG, by 1st August 2021. If more than one nomination is received for a post then a ballot will be held in August 2021
of all Region members.
Download Nomination Form Here:
Any queries or questions please contact Rai Fenton on 020 8529 7307 or