The region library is open for business. If you are interested in borrowing any books please contact our region librarian Eric Belshaw at
The Region Library consists of books (prototype and model), magazines, tape-slide clinics and NMRA videos. There is no rental charge (except videos £1) but borrowers pay all postage.
There are around 200 titles devoted to American Model Railroading topics and over 500 Prototype titles. The 13 NMRA produced Videos cover all major subjects in model railroading. The Tape-Slide Clinics number around 70 and cover major subjects too, but also deal with some of the more esoteric aspects of the hobby.
Another aspect of the Library is the magazine collection. However, as many titles are available on-line (Model Railroading and Railmodel Journal) and the Region has purchased all past Model Railroaders on DVD, magazines are being disposed of as they become less relevant and take up a large proportion of the space. Certain titles will be sent complete to some members who will continue to make them available on request (Railroad Model Craftsman, Prototype Modeller and Mainline Modeler). Again more information will be made available when it is to hand.
On joining the Association new members are presented with a Directory listing all the Library’s books, facilities and the rules governing the borrowing procedure.