I may try deliberately causing this during an operating session, and let the crews and dispatcher sort it out, no pushing by hand! So far I've tried to make sure trains have enough power during a session (long over due to run another). It has happened to me several times when running by myself when trying to get an extra car out of the yard.
I do have load limits for empty and loaded cars per loco per ruling grade, if near the limit a train may just make it. Crews are expected to work out if they can take all the cars left for them in the yard. There is the option of adding a helper or doubling the hill.
Re: Stalled train
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:52 pm
by calaf01
Did you consist all four engines for the trip up the hill, or run them on two throttles?
What did they do on the prototype? One driver or two?
Re: Stalled train
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:09 am
by Mike_R
In this case they were in two separate pairs, running as a manned helper set. If they had been train DPUs, I do run mid and rear DPUs on my trains, then they would all be one consist.
If only Lenz would let you doublehead (command station consisting) consists, then the two consist numbers could be connected without breaking the consists up. If I only have a single helper I would probably add it to the consist.
With helpers I normally keep them one speed step ahead of the train's locos to stop the train pulling tight around the big curve on the hill. Saves problems if I miss a step while accelerating. Although I have had rear DPUs fail and normally the train just stalls with everything still on the track. Generally on the climbs my locos are so loaded up they don't have enough spare power to derail the train.
Re: Stalled train
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:07 am
by calaf01
Thanks for that. Sounds terrific fun.
Re: Stalled train
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:06 am
by Gloriousnse
calaf01 wrote:What did they do on the prototype? One driver or two?
I this particular scenario it would have to be two, else you're relying on the crew to walk back off the hill to get the rescue loco's!
Re: Stalled train
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:03 pm
by Mike_R
On my layout there is a loco or two on duty for helper service, so they would have a separate crew.
So far I have not used helpers in an operating session, we have enough trouble getting through the trains! Hopefully, in the future adding extra operations like this will increase the fun of running the layout. I do have a set of cards made up that a crew will take one of when assigned a train. They are mostly train ok, but a small percentage have problems that will occur on that train such as, hot box on car, loco failure or brake problems. Some require immediate action, some require dropping a car off at the next available spot.
I have heard of occasions where a failed train crew have gone to get a local switcher or similar, driven it back to the failed train to rescue it.
Re: Stalled train
Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 11:11 pm
by calaf01
Gloriousnse wrote:
calaf01 wrote:What did they do on the prototype? One driver or two?
I this particular scenario it would have to be two, else you're relying on the crew to walk back off the hill to get the rescue loco's!
They could have had one driver and taken the other crew along for the ride to take the helpers back again.
Re: Stalled train
Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:47 pm
by Mike_R
I think in this case there was a loco used for local switching a few mile up the track. A crew van moved the crew.
I have a video of the MRL where they leave a set of locos in a siding, that the crews pickup and drop off as required.
If you are interested in operations from the train crew perspective, this video (Regional RR cab rides, the MRL & ACR) is quite good, with in cab conversations and dispatcher communications.