Thanks for the info Martyn, I'll do that.
Regarding opening a link in a new tab or window, I didn't know you could do it like that. That'll probably do since then it's an option and you aren't forced one way or the other.
Alan Crooks
Suggestion box
Re: Suggestion box
Alan C.
Re: Suggestion box
Here's a suggestion, not so much in regards to the forum, but rather how some posts here could be used in due course.
Let's say someone has posted a couple of posts on how they build a structure, would it be an idea to collate those posts into an article and re-use it (photo's and all) in Roundhouse? That way, those members that do not (yet) have internet / forum access, get to share in the work being displayed here, and it also promotes the forum. We're always looking for articles for Roundhouse aren't we, this forum could be a prime source for some shorter ones, and/or showcase peoples work.
Furthermore, I think we should also collect the 'best, or original' works displayed here, and give those an honourable mention in Roundhouse, and use in promotional flyers/handouts etc when we're representing the region at trainshows etc.
Just a few thoughts, Koos
Let's say someone has posted a couple of posts on how they build a structure, would it be an idea to collate those posts into an article and re-use it (photo's and all) in Roundhouse? That way, those members that do not (yet) have internet / forum access, get to share in the work being displayed here, and it also promotes the forum. We're always looking for articles for Roundhouse aren't we, this forum could be a prime source for some shorter ones, and/or showcase peoples work.
Furthermore, I think we should also collect the 'best, or original' works displayed here, and give those an honourable mention in Roundhouse, and use in promotional flyers/handouts etc when we're representing the region at trainshows etc.
Just a few thoughts, Koos
Koos Fockens -Devon UK. North American Model Railroading
Age is just a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, then it doesn't matter.
Age is just a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, then it doesn't matter.
Re: Suggestion box
Hey, isn't this forum great? i love the organisation of the posts, and the fact that the icon on the left goes red when a new message comes in. You can look at the board index and immediately see where all the new posts are. Fantastic. Why didn't we do this ages ago?
Alan Crooks.
Alan Crooks.
Alan C.
Re: Suggestion box
Because some of us have day jobscalaf01 wrote:Hey, isn't this forum great? i love the organisation of the posts, and the fact that the icon on the left goes red when a new message comes in. You can look at the board index and immediately see where all the new posts are. Fantastic. Why didn't we do this ages ago?
Alan Crooks.

Re: Suggestion box
One thing I've noticed recently is that the forum tab page has stopped refreshing itself. I have to do a refresh or reload manually. Is this something in the forum or is it as a result of my browser settings being changed? I haven't tried to change them myself.
Any clues anyone/
Any clues anyone/
Alan C.
Re: Suggestion box
I'm not sure Alan, what you mean. Are you referring to the main Forum index, and the way the icons behave next to the main headers?
Personally I haven't noticed a difference, but then again I have never paid attention to those, I usually go to the 'unread' link at the top to see what's new. The forum software is still the same, no updates performed on it that I am aware off.
My first guess is that it's a browser setting/cookie/preference in your case, try refreshing your cache/history etc and see if that helps.
Personally I haven't noticed a difference, but then again I have never paid attention to those, I usually go to the 'unread' link at the top to see what's new. The forum software is still the same, no updates performed on it that I am aware off.
My first guess is that it's a browser setting/cookie/preference in your case, try refreshing your cache/history etc and see if that helps.
Koos Fockens -Devon UK. North American Model Railroading
Age is just a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, then it doesn't matter.
Age is just a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, then it doesn't matter.